We encourage youth and their families to join us in the Sanctuary or online for worship Sundays at 10am!
Sunday Mornings
Sunday Mornings
We encourage youth and their families to join us in the Sanctuary or online for worship Sundays at 10am!
Sunday Youth Gatherings
Join us Sunday in the Youth Den for food, fellowship, and fun! We play a little, eat a little, and study a little as we share our life of faith together.
Sundays at 5:00pm - 6:30 pm
Click here to register for youth programs.
Ladle Fellowship
On the first Sunday of odd-numbered months, we head over the bridge and volunteer with San Diego First Presbyterian Church's amazing outreach ministry, Ladle Fellowship.
All youth 6th-12th grade are welcome to participate.
To learn more or sign up, contact Todd Vosper.
Sierra Service Projects
Over the years St. Paul's Youth have partnered with Next Step Missions and Sierra Service Projects all throughout the west coast. Please contact the office for more information.